The middle bouquet was just breathtaking. The way the florist had arranged it, it looked different from each angle:
LOVED IT. Those dark purple flowers? Parrot tulips. I'm a Dutch girl, and anything tulip is part of my "favorite things" collection. I hesitated about highlighting those tulips on the blog though, as I'm worried I'll get a lot of requests for tulips. They really don't do so well here - I've actually seen them "bloom out" of a bouquet - weirdly, they poke their little heads up higher and higher than the rest of the bouquet. They are mainly grown in Holland and Michigan (Holland, Michigan probably!) so you can imagine that they like cooler temps. But I have to say, even though I put them in the high risk category for flowers, they totally rocked this bouquet.
Apparently I'm a trendsetter :) Our 4th anniversary is Thursday and we did purple and green!
And we are still on your website :)
I had no idea purple and green has gotten so popular! That is what we are planning for too :) Thanks for the beautiful inspiration- and I promise not to insist on tulips!!
Hah, that's exactly what happened to the tulips in my bouquet. I left them in a glass of water for the rest of our honeymoon, and they grew 2-3 inches higher than the rest of the flowers. They did look beautiful on our wedding day though. :)
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