Friday, April 27, 2012

One last Carnival post...

Allow me to be a glowing mother for a moment....

 My baby Maya weaseled her way into the parade.

My big girl Marley, her first time being in the parade! Proudly marching with her school.

Proud momma! The very best part of my job is the flexibility it allows me to be there for my girls on days like this. You can be I'm going to be one annoying "mother of the bride" when their big days arrive!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's THISTLE season

I just added almost 20 new bouquet pictures to our photo albums and a lot (a lot!) had thistle in it. Must be thistle season! I love the look of them on a boutonniere. They should be nicknamed "man flower".
Who says the bouquet has to be blue to include thistle?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Carnival Time in the VI! Such a great time to be married - just look at the photo ops! Want to get married during Carnival? If you're on-island now, it's not too late - but if you aren't lucky enough to be here, come down in July! St. John Carnival is the first week of July and offers such great photo opportunities as well!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

New, fresh and exciting (for me at least)

My new elements are starting to arrive in the mail and yesterdays wedding was the first that I could do one of our newest aisles. I loved the results - what do you think?
Nice white starfish, bright green moss balls and beachy driftwood. I love how it all came together.
I have a goal of starting a new "choose your own aisle". Right now our packages include conch shell & palm leaf decor but I want to start offering our clients choices on the type of aisle they have. Of course, you have that choice NOW, but it's not properly presented to make the selection process easy. I'm hoping to have that set up by the end of May.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Thank you Amber!

Amber was a bride of mine from January. She recently sent me the link to her photographers blog with pictures of her wedding day - just gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing and congrats on a gorgeous wedding!

Part 1: (these really highlight how bringing your photographer along for the cruise can yield some really great wedding photos you may not otherwise get)

Part 2:

In case you're curious...Amber arrived on the Oasis of the Seas and was married on Magen's Bay Beach.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lemonade in a mason jar...ahhhh....

As you know, I am now on Pinterest and loving all the new ideas. Our wedding last Friday on Lime Tree Beach had lemonade for guests to enjoy after the ceremony and of course, I had to replicate the mason jar idea I found. I think I came out really cute, what do you think?