Having a destination wedding is probably the most special occasion that
can happen to anyone. It really doesn’t matter where you are going but the fact
that you are at a destination with family and friends is wonderful. The
question is, how do you choose a gown that travels well? Be it an airplane ride
or a 6 hour road drive, you need to wisely select a gown for the occasion
because not any wedding gown is perfect for traveling.
Go for the right gown material. Since you will be traveling, the first thing
you want to stop are lap wrinkles, so you need to go for materials that don’t
get wrinkles easily. The best anti-wrinkles materials are natural fibers like
silk, linen and cotton. These natural fibers are not only anti-wrinkles but are
easily folded and light to carry.
Know your location. In selecting the right gown that travels
well, you need to know about the temperature, terrain, aisle setting and the
most common activities at your destination. Your destination wedding is most
likely to be in high temperatures so it is advisable to opt for light materials
and probably a sleeveless dress. If you had a heavy elaborate wedding dress in
mind, I’m afraid that may not be perfect at the beach.
· Comfort-ability. Make sure what you are choosing makes you
feel comfortable and relaxed. Something that fits you nicely and allows you to
walk freely because you may have it on for more than 10 hours. If you are the
type who sweats a lot, be advised to avoid a silk material as they tend to make
people perspire. Also make sure it is not bulky to minimize what you have to
carry in case you need to run (for fun of course). Bottom line, look for
something that feels casual.
· Minimize opinions. This applies to choosing any wedding gowns.
In most cases, brides walk in to the store with all the maids and friends to
help her choose a gown but in most cases the bride ends up not with what her
heart desires but what others would like to have for their day. If you need
help choosing a gown it is advisable to go with two or three people.
Choosing the right gown can either be the easiest task or can turn out
to be a hassle and time consuming but the good thing is that wedding dress
designers now produce a wide range of destination wedding dresses, and the
sellers would be happy to help you make the right choice.
SimplyBridal is an American
online retailer of high quality wedding gowns, bridesmaid dresses, and wedding
accessories, such as veils and jewelry. SimplyBridal ships to twenty-five
countries in Europe, North America, and parts of Asia. Our products have been
featured on Style Me Pretty, Wedding Chicks, and Rock n Roll Bride.
Searching good blog is not an easy task because number of blogs with exaggeration is available but the information on this blog is completely based on research.