Thursday, October 16, 2008

We Survived!

Island Bliss Weddings, US Virgin Islands and all the kin have survived the storm - what there was of a storm at least! At 11am last night, we were facing a Cat 3 hurricane. Omar bounced off a St Croix and headed in the other direction, leaving us to wonder where the storm was when all was still quiet at 3am!

I am slowly catching up with emails. If you have emailed me this week, I should be able to respond by Sunday. If you do not have a response by then, please email me again on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Janelle,

    I am glad to hear you all made it without destruction. Such a blessing! I look forward to our wedding in March there on St. Thomas! :)

    Hope your baby girl is doing well!

    ~Jenn Freed
